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Student Group

event flyer
BSA x ASU: Unity for the Minority
03/03/2020 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Multicultural Student Center (Newcomb Hall 2nd Floor, Former Game Room)

Why does it feel like the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) and Black community never talk? Join ASU and BSA's open joint gen-bod to learn more about our racialized experiences and identities, how they are intertwined, and how they came come together.

event flyer
Disability Awareness Advocacy Panel
02/26/2020 - 6:00am to 7:30am
Newcomb South Meeting Room

Come to Disability Awareness Week and learn more about the disability community and how to be a great ally! We will be providing free food, including Bodo's, Roots and Chipotle, respectively, in exchange for your active participation at Monday-Wedneday's events! Wednesday's event will be an Advocacy Panel with students talking about what advocacy means for the disability community at UVA and in our nation today. This event will be catered by Chipotle!


Disability Awareness Week

Disability Awareness Dialogue
02/25/2020 - 6:00am to 7:30am
Newcomb PAC (Room 164)

Come to Disability Awareness Week and learn more about the disability community and how to be a great ally! We will be providing free food, including Bodo's, Roots and Chipotle, respectively, in exchange for your active participation at Monday-Wedneday's events! Tuesday's event will be a co-sponsorship with Chronically Ill and Disabled Cavaliers as well as Sustained Dialogue where we create a safe space to discuss disability awareness at UVA. This event will be catered by Roots! 

Disability Awareness Week

disability awareness week
Disability Awareness Week
Repeats every day until Fri Feb 28 2020.
02/24/2020 (All day) to 02/28/2020 (All day)
02/25/2020 (All day) to 02/29/2020 (All day)
02/26/2020 (All day) to 03/01/2020 (All day)
02/27/2020 (All day) to 03/02/2020 (All day)
02/28/2020 (All day) to 03/03/2020 (All day)
Newcomb PAC (Room 164), Newcomb South Meeting Room

Come to Disability Awareness Week and learn more about the disability community and how to be a great ally! We will be providing free food, including Bodo's, Roots and Chipotle, respectively, in exchange for your active participation at Monday-Wedneday's events! 


Disability Awareness Week

February 24-28



event flyer
Disability Accessibility Ally Training
02/24/2020 - 6:00am to 7:30am
Newcomb PAC (Room 164)

Come to Disability Awareness Week and learn more about the disability community and how to be a great ally! We will be providing free food, including Bodo's, Roots and Chipotle, respectively, in exchange for your active participation at Monday-Wedneday's events! Monday February 24th will be our Disability Accessibility Ally Training where you can learn about how to be a great ally to the disability community! This event will be catered by Bodo's Bagels!


Event flyer with microphone image
Memory in Motion: A Black History Month Open Mic
02/29/2020 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Newcomb Hall Theatre

In collaboration with NAACP at UVA and Flux Poetry and Spoken Word, SYC is hosting "Memory in Motion", an open mic night on Feb. 29th from 12PM-1:30PM in Newcomb Theatre! Come celebrate Black History Month by sharing your poetry/spoken word regarding identity, history, and culture within the Black community. All voices are welcome!

fry bread
Fry Bread Fridays & Film Screenings of Native/Indigenous Stories
Repeats every month on March, April, May on the first Friday until Fri May 01 2020.
02/07/2020 - 7:00pm
03/06/2020 - 7:00pm
04/03/2020 - 7:00pm
05/01/2020 - 7:00pm
Munford House Klazzroom (International Residential College )

The Native American Student Union presents Fry Bread Fridays & Film Screenings of Native/Indigenous Stories. Enjoy homemade fry bread and a Native film at the Klazzroom in Mary Munford House at the International Residential College (IRC)!

event flyer with image of speaker
Free Cyntoia: A Story of Redemption
02/06/2020 - 6:00pm
Old Cabell Hall

Join BSA and UPC this February 6, 2020 from 6PM-8PM at Old Cabell Hall to hear guest speaker Cyntoia Brown speak about her experience overcoming adversity in the US prison system. In her own words, Cyntoia Brown shares the riveting and redemptive story of how she changed her life for the better. Convicted at the age of 16 and released 15 years later, Cyntoia has found hope in spite of her experiences with sex trafficking and a murder conviction that could have incarcerated her for life.

The event will feature poetic performances by Flux Poetry.

Doors open at 5 PM. 

martin luther king in front of uva rotunda
Culture and Politics: Either, Neither, or Both? (A Debate)
01/31/2020 - 6:30pm
Hotel C, Jefferson Hall (West Range)

Join the Jefferson Society, the Asian Leaders Council, and other cultural and political organizations to debate the question "Should cultural organizations have an obligation to be political?" From 6:30-7, there will be a reception with food followed by the main event. Audience members will have a say in the final outcome of the debate in addition to a panel of faculty members.


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