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Gender Diversity

Paul Castillo
Names & Pronouns: Respecting the Identity and Dignity of Trans and Gender Nonconforming People
10/21/2020 - 6:00pm

The Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) welcomes Paul D. Castillo, Counsel and Students’ Rights Strategist at Lambda Legal, for a discussion on the law and policy impacting transgender students in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary institutions, including the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, as well as advocacy on behalf of LGBTQ students who seek equal opportunities in safe, non-discriminatory educational environments.


actor from pariah movie
Furious Women on Film: A Free Series About Badass Women
Repeats every week every Wednesday 3 times.
01/29/2020 - 7:00pm
02/05/2020 - 7:00pm
02/12/2020 - 7:00pm
Vinegar Hill Theatre

Join us for a film series this spring that honors the capacity of women to burn down the world in various justifiable ways. Ever since the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements erupted, public figures such as Matt Lauer, Bill Cosby and Jeffrey Epstein have been exposed for their exploitation of women and girls. Many people—women especially—feel as though they are trapped in a continual state of rage and trauma. This film series is designed to remind us—and in many cases, celebrate—the myriad ways that women fight back against the hostile climate in which they live and work.

people in shoe shaped tent
The Walk in My Shoes Experience
01/22/2020 - 10:00am to 01/23/2020 - 4:00pm
Main Lounge, 3rd Floor, Newcomb Hall

For the 2020 Community MLK Celebration, we're offering UVA students, faculty, and administration a special opportunity to walk in the shoes of another UVA student, different than you! For 20 minutes, you'll have the chance to enter the The Walk in My Shoes Experience: an immersive adventure that will make you more receptive, informed, and a better advocate for diversity on and off campus.

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