Disability Accommodation Fund

The Disability Accommodation Fund ("DAF") was established to assist with the cost of providing reasonable workplace accommodations for employees, as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") of 1990, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and University Policy. Departments have primary responsibility for costs associated with reasonable workplace and program-related disability accommodation requests. Along with expenses traditionally associated with employment, regardless of disability status, it is strongly advised that departments build funding for ongoing and unanticipated accommodations into their departmental budget planning process to cover any costs associated with reasonable accommodations. Nothing in the establishment of this fund, including the lack of funds, waives any obligation departments have to provide a reasonable accommodation, as required by state and federal law, and/or University policy.

When there is a disability accommodation request, the ADA Coordinator is available to assist in evaluating the presence and impact of a disability, determining reasonable accommodations, and providing funding for accommodations that cost in excess of $500.00. The determination of what accommodation is reasonable is fact specific and involves an interactive process in which the employee’s supervisor, Employee Relations, and the employee identify the impact of the disability on the employee’s ability to perform essential job functions and explore effective reasonable accommodations necessary for the employee to perform essential job functions. Please refer to the Procedures for Employees with Disabilities to Request Workplace Accommodations for more details.

After engaging in the interactive process and upon identification of a reasonable accommodation(s), if the cost of the accommodation(s) is $500.00 or less, the department will follow all procurement and financial procedures necessary for securing the workplace accommodation(s) and will not be eligible to apply for financial assistance from the DAF. If the cost of the accommodation(s) is more than $500.00 and the department requires financial assistance to comply with the accommodation request, a request for financial assistance to cover the cost of the accommodation(s) that is in excess of $500.00 (departmental deductible) can be submitted by completing the DAF Request Form. The form must be approved by the Dean and/or Department Head and returned to the ADA Coordinator, along with the appropriate information, for review.

If funds are approved, the department will be responsible for the first $500.00 of the cost of the accommodation and the Disability Accommodation Fund will cover the remaining cost up to a maximum of $3,000 per person per fiscal year. Purchases made through the fund are property of the University of Virginia’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights. If the request for funding assistance is denied, the department will be notified in writing by the ADA Coordinator. Any denial will not alleviate the department’s responsibility to timely provide reasonable accommodations required by an employee.

As administrator of the fund, the ADA Coordinator will review each request within two business days. Upon approval, the Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights will work with the department to ensure that the department receives the approved funds for the accommodation. Once the good/service has been received, documentation of the purchase and confirmation of receipt must be sent to the ADA Coordinator via email at [email protected].  The ADA Coordinator will follow-up with the department to confirm that the accommodation is in place.

The Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights will maintain an inventory of DAF purchases. Equipment and other items that are reusable will be returned to the ADA Coordinator upon separation of the employee from the University or if the accommodation is determined no longer needed, for the purpose of re-utilization by other employees.

Disability Accommodation Request Form