Pregnancy and Parenting Resources for Faculty and Staff

Lactation Rooms/Break Time

The University Prenatal and Postnatal Well-being Resources webpage summarizes the University’s obligation to provide a reasonable amount of time for breaks and a private space for lactation breaks, as well as provides a list of lactation room locations on Grounds (academic buildings and UVA Health).

Childcare at the University

The UVA Child Development Center offer services for children from infancy through pre-kindergarten. They are available to faculty, staff, and students for a weekly fee but enrollment is limited and there is typically a waiting list. Anyone anticipating the arrival of a child should contact the centers as early as possible to inquire about enrollment and complete a wait list application.

Paid Parental Leave Policies
  • UVA Policy HRM-012-02: Paid Parental Leave for University Staff: This policy describes eligibility, procedures for taking leave, and other matters related to parental leave, e.g., documentation requirements, coordination with other types of leave, and reinstatement issues. 
  • UVA Policy HRM-038: Faculty Leaves: This policy provides eligibility, procedures for taking leave, and other matters related to paid parental leave for Academic Division faculty members.
  • UVA Policy HRM-048: Paid Parental Leave for Classified Staff: This policy provides similar information for Classified Staff within the Academic Division (salaried, non-faculty employees hired prior to July 1, 2006, and subject to the Virginia Personnel Act).
  • UVA Policy HRM-033: Employment of Professional Research Staff: This policy provides information about parental leave for professional research staff (professional staff principally engaged in research and appointed to limited terms of employment at the University, e.g.,  postdoctoral research associates, research scientists, senior scientists, and principal scientists). See Section 4(B) Leave for Personal Reasons. 
UVA Lactation Support Medical Center HR Policy

Please visit the "Services and Resources for New Parents" section of UVA HR's Prenatal and Postnatal Well-being Resources webpage for information about the policy. You can access the policy on PolicyTech.

Planning Information for Faculty and Staff Members - University HR

Planning for Becoming a Parent: this page includes information about benefits and leave options available to new or expectant parents as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

Planning Information for Faculty Members - Provost Office

Planning for Parental Leave: A Guide to Faculty Policies at the University of Virginia: this page provides information about leave (e.g., parental and short-term disability), childcare, temporary parking, lactation room locations, and more.

Confidential Resources for Faculty and Staff Members
  • The Faculty and Employee Assistance Program (“FEAP”) offers assessment, brief counseling, and follow-up at no cost for faculty and staff member and their families, as well as referrals to community resources, to assist with personal and/or work-related problems.
  • The UVA Ombuds acts a trusted navigator for current faculty, staff, and students seeking guidance, information, insight, and potential options to overcome an existing conflict or concern. The UVA Ombuds seeks to empower individuals to proactively address their conflict and concerns in a positive, constructive method while assisting in an impartial, independent, informal, and confidential manner. 
  • The Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center offers confidential counseling to UVA students, faculty, and staff member of all genders, as well as members of the Charlottesville community, to assist with a wide of range of personal or academic concerns.